
IMPORTANT: Please note that the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme closed to new applications on March 31st 2019 but has since been replaced by theSmart Export Guarantee

Man holiding tools to do home diy solar panels

DIY solar panel systems can seem like an attractive way to generate cheap renewable energy, but many homeowners don’t realise the serious safety risks involved, not to mention the permanent damage you could do to your roof. Here’s why it really doesn’t pay to install solar yourself.


Are DIY Solar Panels a good idea?

  1. It’s a complex and potentially dangerous job!

  2. 安装太阳能电池板并不是一个简单的过程,而不经历与专业安装人员相同的培训,有很多可能出错。抬起重型面板,布线电气设备并简单地在屋檐下锻炼高度,只是您面临的一些安全危险。如果您对使用这种专业设备的工作并不充满信心,那么自制太阳能电池板安装可能太先进,以便您的技能水平。

    As an example, if you’ve just spent a few hours Googling how to build a solar panel and watching YouTube videos – then you’re probably not ready to start building your own DIY solar power system.

    The technical side of solar PV installation can also be tricky and doing it yourself often results in systems being connected and fitted incorrectly. Even if you have electrical experience there are still many elements of solar installation that differ greatly to traditional jobs and should be left to a professional.

  3. 您不太可能有资格获得政府激励计划

  4. To be eligible for the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG), your solar panel system must be MCS certified (or equivalent) which means that the system has to be installed by an MCS (or equivalent) installer, meaning that DIY solar panels can’t be eligible.

    政府健康计划关闭新应用ions on 31st March 2019 but has since been replaced by the Smart Export Guarantee. Having this financial incentive in place makes it much easier to make back your investment in a solar system and even earn an income over time.

  5. Incorrectly installed solar panels can cause fires

  6. DIY太阳能的最大风险是火灾。一般而言,这是由使用错误的材料引起的,或者由于安装未正确执行。许多DIY教程将推荐焊接面板,甚至使用木材返回它们 - 考虑到温度面板可以达到特别危险。接线不好是另一个大问题,因为它实际上可以引领逆变器爆炸并导致你家里的火灾。

  7. You can damage your roof with DIY solar panels

  8. 在投资太阳能之前,您应该始终考虑您的屋顶适用于太阳能电池板。这是最大的部分是确保您的屋顶在结构上能够持有面板,如果需要加强面板。MCS认证(或同等学历)安装人员应在工作开始前进行结构分析,甚至开始并缺少这一关键步骤可能导致灾难。他们还将能够分析您的屋顶,看看太阳能系统的效果如何,并发现任何问题,以便在遮阳或障碍物中工作。

    The design element of the solar panel installation process is crucial – it’s not a one-size-fits-all product and an MCS certified (or equivalent) installer is able to design and fit the correct system for your roof and energy demand.

  9. The solar panels may have a shorter life span

  10. 购买DIY太阳能电池板套件可能不那么昂贵,但它不太可能与专业安装人员提供的产品相同的质量。右太阳能电池板系统应持续20-30岁(通常由专业安装时保修)所以现在最便宜的交易最终可能会在维修甚至故障中长期成本。

    DIY installations, especially where the panels themselves have been constructed at home, will likely see a shorter life span and can be costly to replace without a warranty. It’s also important to be wary of ‘scams’ in the form of paid for DIY tutorials and even the sale of panels which are not up to standard. In addition, solar panel installers are also buying from manufacturers in bulk so can often offer lower prices.


DIY solar kits

The majority of DIY solar kits are for off-grid use so they can’t be used alongside your usual electricity supply. It’s unlikely that any solar panel system will generate enough electricity for all your energy demand all year so a DIY kit simply isn’t the right move. Plug-in Solar offer a number of DIY solar kits that are suitable for a number of solar PV systems.

However, solar kits can be a good idea for small projects like powering lights for a barn, shed or mobile home like a boat or caravan as they’re already off-grid.

Can you build your own solar panels?

If your plan was to not only install your own solar panels but build them too then it is possible but it is a time consuming process that requires a certain level of electrical expertise.


2018年,太阳能电池板价格约为6,000英镑 - 平均大小住宅家庭7,000英镑,比2010年满60%超过60%。根据Energysage太阳能市场的数据,太阳能电池板安装的平均成本仅为10%设计和劳动力成本。这意味着在购买DIY太阳能电池板套件时,您可能会保存的只是10%,您将拥有涉及自己安装的麻烦和潜在风险。


Solar system size 平均价格
1kw. 1840英镑
2kw. £3680
3kW 5520英镑
4kW £6040




By comparing quotes from multiple MCS certified (or equivalent) solar installers you will increase your chances of finding the most competitive quote for an installation in your area. Not only that but you’ll also be getting expert advice from a number of fully-qualified professionals.


So, whilst DIY solar can sound like a great idea, the risks to both your safety and home really can outweigh the benefits. The cost of solar panels and installation today is the cheapest it has ever been, so if you are looking to go solar now is a great time to do it professionally.


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