



When looking for solar panels for a shed or outbuilding, you may come across portable solar panels. These are flexible solar panels that can be moved with ease at any time. This is opposed to solar panels systems that are professionally installed in a fixed location.



Where can solar panels be installed?

通常安装在屋顶的太阳能电池板of a property. However, this isn’t the only option. This is particularly good news for anyone who considers solar panels to be an ‘eyesore’. So rather than being installed on the roof of your home, solar panels could be installed on your shed or other outbuildings, such as a home office, workshop, studio or guest accommodation.

它甚至可能安装在地面上的太阳能电池板,有些型号有solar trackingwhich means the panels follow the sun during the day.



For optimal power output, the solar panels should be installed on a south-facing roof. This gives them maximum exposure to sunlight throughout the day. This doesn’t mean that if the roof of your shed isn’t south-facing then you can’t have solar panels for your shed.

As sheds and other outbuildings tend to be lower than that of a house, it’s important to consider shading. Solar panels are most efficient in direct sunlight so if the roof is close to trees or other buildings, sunlight could be obstructed at certain times of the day.

How much electricity can solar panels for sheds generate?


通常,棚屋屋顶比它所属的房屋小,限制了可以安装在其上的太阳能电池板的数量。如果你的棚子相对较小,那么太阳能电池板可以达到棚内大部分需求的机会很好。因此,如果您的SHED用于插入电动工具或其他电气设备,那么它们可以通过免费可再生能源供电。这将需要更少的太阳能电池板,而不是如果您想要满足您整个房产的电力需求的太阳能光伏系统 - 在安装上储存您的资金。

Alternatively, the solar panels can direct electricity from the shed to the home. To achieve this wiring would have to stretch from the shed to where the electricity meter is fitted (most likely the house).


The number of solar panels that need to be installed on your shed will vary depending on the energy demand. If you simply want the solar energy to power a handful of electrical appliances in a shed, a small solar PV system will suffice. However, if you’re looking to power an outhouse for guest accommodation or direct energy back to your home, more solar panels will be needed.



Solar PV System Size

Necessary roof space (square meters)
1kW 8+
2kW 12+
3kw. 20+
4KW. 25+


If you’re thinking about building a shed or outhouse in your garden then you have an opportunity to position it in an optimal place for solar panels. This is a great option if the roof of your property isn’t in the most suitable position for solar generation.


Best type of solar panels for sheds

A solar PV system can include solar panels made up of either monocrystalline or polycrystalline cells.

两种类型的太阳能电池板都与太阳能转换成可用电力 - 但以略微不同的方式设计。它们之间的差异是单晶太阳能电池板含有单晶硅,而许多硅片段熔化在一起以形成多晶面板。

These designs result in monocrystalline panels offering higher levels of efficiency, which means more electricity being generated. However, polycrystalline solar panels are often available at a lower price.


Find out more about the different types of solar panels in单晶与多晶太阳能电池板.

How much do solar panels for sheds cost?



However, you will need a smaller solar PV system, potentially with far fewer solar panels, if you’re only looking to subsidise your energy demand or provide a small amount of power to the shed or outbuilding. And with the average cost of a 1 kW solar system being around £1,840 this gives an idea of how much you might expect to pay.


As you pass through the online form – which should only take a few moments to complete – we’ll ask a few questions about the planned solar installation. Once you’ve finished, we’ll connect you with up to 3 solar installers based in your local area. Each will provide free quotes for the work which you can then compare. This will give you the confidence that you’re getting the most competitive price from the best installer.

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