Sonnen Batterie Eco成本,规格和评论

photo of solar battery Sonnen Batterie Eco

Sonnenbatterie Eco可以合并到家用太阳能电池板系统中,以存储您生成的能量,但不需要使用时间。通过将这种自由或更便宜的能量存储,您可以大大减少您使用和降低家庭碳足迹的成本电量的数量。它是一种锂离子磷酸盐存储系统,利用智能软件来帮助您监控您的能源消耗,并降低对国家电网的依赖。


What is the sonnenBatterie eco?


It can store energy generated by wind generators, heat pumps and fuel cells meaning that if you choose to embrace other renewable energy sources the sonnenBatterie is the perfect choice.

sonnenBatterie eco: The Specification

连续输出: (ac)3,000 w - 8,000 w
可用容量: 4 kWh - 16千瓦时(在2 kWh步进)
尺寸(w / h / d): 4 – 8 kWh: 26/51/14 in
10 – 16 kWh: 26/71/14 in
最大逆变器效率: 93%
环境温度: 41 - 113°F
Enclosure Rating: NEMA 12
AC Specifications: 240 VAC / split phase / 60 Hz
保证寿命: 10,000周期或10年
Listed and recognized components: 专为UL 9540合规而设计。认证到UL 1741(逆变器),UL 1973(电池)和FCC第15部分B级符合B类

Why consider a sonnenBatterie eco?

  • 智能软件:The smart technology within the sonnenBatterie eco means it will detect when there is surplus energy and store it automatically and help you manage energy usage more effectively.
  • 耐用和安全:The battery is guaranteed to last for 10,000 cycles or 10 years which makes it a worthwhile investment. The Lithium-ion phosphate technology is known for high chemical stability and long life. In addition, all the components included in the system are UL listed ensuring the highest levels of safety.
  • Single, complete unit:Sonnenbatterie Eco是一个单个紧凑的盒子,包含所有组件和软件。这使得安装轻而易举。
  • Control Energy Use with sonnen App:通过下载Sonnen应用程序,您可以充分利用系统内的智能技术。它使您可以跟踪和控制您家中的任何位置的能量使用。
  • 成本:Sonnenbatterie Eco的起始成本低于最近的竞争对手Tesla,与Tesla为5,400英镑相比,约为4,500英镑。

您是否考虑过您家的Sonnenbatterie Eco系统?

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How do they intend to achieve this? Through their solar energy storage system: the sonnenBatterie eco. Their technology is German engineered but manufactured in the US and is exported to countries all over the world, including the UK.



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