
As the Managing Director of Southern Solar and former chairman of the Solar Trade Association, Howard Johns has a very clear vision of the UK solar market and is actively involved in pushing for changes in policy at Government levels to bring renewable energy in line with fossil fuels.


“Some days 50% of the energy produced and used in the German National Grid comes from Solar, it has now come to a point where the cost of producing electricity during the day is dropping and prices are dropping, the large central fossil fuel energy producers are finding it increasingly difficult to make money during the day in Germany,” says Howard. “The German Government predicts that by 2020 50% of the day electricity will come from solar alone every day, but it may well be more than this.”




霍华德是鼓励社区团体加入revolution by getting people to band together to establish solar programmes. For people passionate about their community, and keen to break away from dependence on pricey fossil fuels as well as do their bit for the environment, these types of schemes are using solar to establish a community led renewable energy resolution. Indeed, community owned energy is proving to be a pretty powerful tool. Take the Leominster Community Solar Project in Herefordshire for example, where 97 people have joined forces to install their own 50kW太阳能光伏array, which has been installed onto the roof of a local community sports hall.




